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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Stop administering final exams

Stop administering final exams

Susan Cardone May 4, 2021
Columnist Susan Cardone calls on professors to get rid of final exams and utilize better methods to measure student performance.
Police responded to barricaded, armed subject at an apartment in Riverside, subject in custody

Police responded to barricaded, armed subject at an apartment in Riverside, subject in custody

Tori Duff May 4, 2021

TW:  Discussions of gun violence.  This is a developing situation, and The Daily Texan will update as more details come out.  The Austin Police Department responded to an armed subject who barricaded...

Credits roll on video editor’s tenure

Credits roll on video editor’s tenure

Brendan Long May 4, 2021

A few weeks after I took a flight halfway across the country to move into my dorm on my own, I tried out for The Daily Texan. Frankly, I had no idea what I was doing, which was true for most things on...

Associate managing editor criticizes college newspaper one more time, knows it won’t be the last

Associate managing editor criticizes college newspaper one more time, knows it won’t be the last

Emily Hernandez May 4, 2021

This paper has made me cry a lot. Mostly stress tears, but that’s a staple of most jobs under capitalism. Somehow, this paper also continues to attract many talented, kind people who I have had the privilege...

Associate photo editor finally rips hair out over unclaimed photo assignments in last days

Associate photo editor finally rips hair out over unclaimed photo assignments in last days

Kirsten Hahn May 4, 2021

Well, this will officially be the first and last time I write an article for the Texan! I have to say, I think my photos are usually better than my words, so this will be interesting. I applied to the...

Social editor finally learns about confidence

Social editor finally learns about confidence

Katya Bandouil May 4, 2021

As a transfer student and somebody who joined the Texan their junior year, I didn’t think I’d ever be a department head. Even now, every time I tell somebody I’m the social media editor, I follow...

News desk editor, former senior reporter promises to never call UT at 12 a.m. again

News desk editor, former senior reporter promises to never call UT at 12 a.m. again

Andrew Zhang May 4, 2021

There’s a scene in Pixar’s “Soul” that shows an animated depiction of people in “the zone,” where people following their passions — playing the piano, winning a basketball game, whatever...

Diversity and Inclusion Director promises to sleep on time, after finishing this at 5 a.m.

Diversity and Inclusion Director promises to sleep on time, after finishing this at 5 a.m.

Areeba Amer May 4, 2021

As part of my character, this was over word count. Three years of friendships, hugs, blood, sweat and tears cannot possibly fit in 540 words and, frankly, three departments and a global pandemic later,...

Vaccine-weakened video editor rambles nonsensically about his basement family

Vaccine-weakened video editor rambles nonsensically about his basement family

Jackson Barton May 4, 2021

My left arm hurts. Miguel, a nurse at vaccine station #27 in Gregory Gym, gave me my second COVID-19 vaccine shot a couple of days ago. The soreness I’m feeling is a constant reminder that this awful,...

Design editor creates her last timeline with the Texan

Design editor creates her last timeline with the Texan

Christina Peebles May 4, 2021

I had a thing for timelines this semester, so let’s do this in chronological order. Fall 2019 I was really tempted to skip my Daily Texan design tryout. When I was told to apply, I was a transfer...

Digital director has trouble writing more than 280 characters

Digital director has trouble writing more than 280 characters

Hal Riley May 4, 2021

Well, I’m not sure where to start. Frankly, I wish I could make this a Twitter thread or Instagram story, but writing is cool too. After eight semesters at the Texan, I’m finally getting a byline....

News editor who threatened to quit 50 times finally quits

News editor who threatened to quit 50 times finally quits

Lauren Girgis May 4, 2021

This paper, like the journalism industry as a whole, has kind of screwed me over. But I kept coming back. And it wasn't because of the great pay or work-life balance. It was because of the people I got...

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