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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Emma George, Comics Editor

Emma is currently a Spring 2023 Comics Editor. She is a junior civil engineering major whoe loves to draw, read, and visiting art museums. She has previously been a Comics sStaffer and Comics Senior Illustrator.

All content by Emma George

UT Students Talk Drag

Mae Lackey and Emma George April 21, 2023

Audio producer Mae Lackey chats with students at Queer Prom about their experiences with drag on campus and the threat of upcoming bills. Reporting and editing by Mae Lackey. Cover art by Emma George....

Hungry Hungry Longhorns Ep 07: Eggs

Aislyn Gaddis and Emma George April 17, 2023

This week, Aislyn sits down with UT Dietician Jennifer Barnoud to discuss the benefits of eating eggs. She also teaches us how to make the perfect scrambled eggs. Reporting and editing by Aislyn Gaddis....

Hungry Hungry Longhorns Ep 06: Beef

Aislyn Gaddis and Emma George April 3, 2023

This week, Aislyn sits down with UT Dietician Jennifer Barnoud to discuss the benefits of eating meat. She also teaches us how to make the perfect hamburger patty. Reporting and editing by Aislyn Gaddis....

Hungry Hungry Longhorns Ep 05: Cheap Campus Eats

Mae Lackey and Emma George March 23, 2023

This week, guest host Mae Lackey switches it up a bit. She directs the best restaurant to eat at around campus when you’re on a budget. Reported and Edited by Mae Lackey. Episode art by Emma George....

Hungry Hungry Longhorns Ep 04: Pasta

Aislyn Gaddis and Emma George February 25, 2023

In this episode of Hungry Hungry Longhorns, audio reporter Aislyn Gaddis breaks down the basics of cooking pasta, including how to choose pasta shape and sauce. She also chats about alternative forms of...

Hungry Hungry Longhorns Ep 03: Veggies

Aislyn Gaddis and Emma George February 19, 2023

In this episode of Hungry Hungry Longhorns, audio reporter Aislyn Gaddis breaks down what to look for when shopping for vegetables, the easiest ways to prepare this staple ingredient and how to decide...

Hungry Hungry Longhorns Ep 02: Chicken

Aislyn Gaddis, Leni Steinhardt, and Emma George December 4, 2022

In this episode of Hungry Hungry Longhorns, audio reporter Aislyn Gaddis breaks down what to look for when shopping for chicken, the easiest ways to prepare this staple ingredient and how to avoid chicken-induced...

Hungry Hungry Longhorns Ep 1: Rice

Aislyn Gaddis and Emma George October 25, 2022

Welcome to Hungry Hungry Longhorns, a cooking podcast from The Daily Texan Audio department. In this episode, audio reporter Aislyn Gaddis talks about all things rice with dietician Jennifer Barnoud from...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin
